

佐藤 圭奈 (さとう けいな)


7回埼玉ピアノコンクール金賞。第53回全日本学生音楽コンクール東京大会 高校の部第3位。第4回かずさアカデミア音楽コンクール第2位。第73回日本音楽コンクール入選。第3回アマデオ賞国際ピアノコンクール(ドイツ)第3位、モーツァルト特別賞。第32回ピティナ・ピアノコンペティション特級グランプリ。第13回ルチアーノ・ガンテ国際ピアノコンクールショパン賞、他特別賞(イタリア)。第3回香港国際ピアノコンクール(香港)2位。第59回ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクール(イタリア)セミファイナリスト。他国内外のコンクールにて多数入選、入賞を果たす。


Keina Sato

Keina Sato was born in Saitama, Japan. She began studying piano at age of three. She studied with Prof.Emiko Harimoto and Prof.Hitoko Kurasawa at the Tokyo College of music on a scholarship. She was studying under Prof.Matti Raekallio and presently she is studying under Prof. Markus Groh at the Hannover University of Music, Drama and Media (Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover). She studied as a scholar of Nomura Foundation and the Japanese Government.

She won prizes at several important competitions in Japan. And she had also prizes, including third prize and Mozart prize at "d’Amadeo-Jeunesse" Piano Competition (Germany) in 2007, Grand Prix at the PTNA Competition in Tokyo in 2008, Special prize Chopin and Special prize F.I.D.A.P.A in the International Piano Competition “Luciano Gante” (Italy) in 2009 and second prize at Hong Kong International Piano Competition (Hong Kong) in 2011. She has performed with such orchestras, New Philharmonic Orchestra Chiba, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo New City Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra and Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and worked with famous conductors, including Norichika Iimori, Ken Takaseki, Ken Hsieh, Taijiro Iimori and Vladimir Ashkenazy. She has a lot of concerts as soloist, accompanist and chamber music extensively in Japan, and also in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Holland.